Speech pathologists and psychologists across Australia & New Zealand will now be able to conduct a valid remote clinical assessment via a telehealth consult from the Coviu platform.
5. Increased Telehealth Usage by Patients, Providers and Larger Organisations. Finally, the last and possibly most exciting trend! Telehealth usage is increasing quickly, as each year, patients are becoming more open to new technology, and equally more dependant on it.
Sydney, 21 January: Australia’s leading telehealth software platform, Coviu, is pleased to announce it has been awarded a grant from the NSW government to provide better access to speech pathology services for all Australians, including children.
Over the last few years, the use of 'telehealth video consultations' has gained more traction in the healthcare space. This has resulted in a continuous string of academic studies being published, discussing the effectiveness of telehealth video consultations, particularly in speech pathology.
WebRTC video technology is the jewel in the HTML5 video conferencing crown. Sessions are fully encrypted, run entirely within the browser and can be accessed by any modern device including smartphones, iPads, and Tablets. WebRTC is the most secure video technology available today.
One of the things we do very well here at Coviu is in-session functionality. By now, we have developed dozens of add-on features for in-session use and we are turning them on per team. Some of the add-ons available are: