Pearson Clinical Speech-Language Pathology Battery
(CELF-5, GFTA-3, EVT-3 A&B, PPVT-5 - A&B & CELF Preschool-3)


Pearson Clinical Speech-Language Pathology Battery

Coviu proudly partners with Pearson Clinical to bring you the most widely used standardized speech and language assessments, expertly adapted for telepractice and validated for clinical accuracy.

This App integrates the stimulus books for each included assessment into your Coviu call. When conducting a supported assessment in Coviu, the examiner can view the administration rules, the detailed subtest administration procedures, and the basic scoring procedures for each item in the assessment.

The Pearson Clinical Speech-Language Pathology Battery is a comprehensive suite that includes the following assessments:

  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals | Fifth Edition (CELF-5)
  • Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3 (GFTA-3)
  • Expressive Vocabulary Test | Third Edition - Form A (EVT-3 Form A)
  • Expressive Vocabulary Test | Third Edition - Form B (EVT-3 Form B)
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test | Fifth Edition - Form A (PPVT-5 Form A)
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test | Fifth Edition - Form B (PPVT-5 Form B)
  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 (CELF Preschool-3).
CELF 5 - Mac - 3 Circles


Simple and Secure Assessments

The digital stimulus books are embedded within a Coviu call, allowing you to display the stimuli without leaving your call window. Each stimulus book is enhanced with additional security features that help prevent screenshots of stimuli from being released online.


You and your client can see each other's cursor movements over the stimulus book, enabling you to direct the client's attention. When the client selects a response, an annotation with numbers indicates the order of responses.

Standardized Environments

The App modifies the client’s interface to standardize the environment and reduce the risk of distraction. Whilst administering an assessment, the client can only see the stimulus book and the clinician’s video to ensure accurate and reliable test results.

Digital Administration 

The assessments in this battery are a supported assessments in Coviu of Pearson's digital administration. The examiner can view the administration rules, the detailed subtest administration procedures, and the basic scoring procedures for each item in the assessment.

Maximum Engagement with Examinees

Digital administration will display only to the examiner right next to the stimulus book within a Coviu call when an assessment is being conducted. This allows clinicians to be more engaged with their patients/clients by not looking through different booklets and allowing eye contact and engagement to be maintained for longer.

Distraction Awareness 

Improve the accuracy of your assessments by detecting distractions in real-time. With Coviu's Distraction Alerts, you will receive an alert when examinees become distracted and navigate away from the assessment.


More Information at the Clinicians Fingertips

For each subtest, Pearson's digital administration clearly outlines exactly what needs to be said to the examinee and what to say if the item is correct or incorrect. Navigation, basal rules, discontinue rules, reverse rules and timing instructions are displayed.

Included assessments 

The Pearson Clinical Speech-Language Pathology Battery is a comprehensive suite that includes the following assessments

  • CELF-5
  • GFTA-3
  • EVT-3 Forms A & B
  • PPVT-5 Forms A & B
  • CELF Preschool-3.


The cost of the Pearson Clinical SLP Battery differs based on which Coviu plan you subscribe to.

Please contact us for more information, or book a demo with one of our team members.


How to Install

  • To install the Pearson Clinical Speech Language Pathology Battery, please email

Additional Assessments Available for Purchase

We have a number of à la carte assessments that are available to add to this battery, including:

Click the links above to install separately, or contact us for custom pricing.



  • To use this battery in Coviu, you must be a registered customer on Pearson Clinical with a User Level B - Speech Pathologist.
  • Record forms for each assessment can be purchased separately on a consumption basis within Coviu, or directly from Pearson.
  • Pearson Clinical adheres to strict ethical guidelines for standardized test and assessment use. Click here to view the telepractice guidelines.
  • Adhere to Pearson Clinical’s Terms and Conditions.

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