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Over 3 million telehealth consultations have been successfully delivered in Australia using Coviu.
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Coviu powers simple, secure and feature-rich video consultations across the country.
Professional Plan Inclusions:
- Live waiting area replicates brick and mortar workflows
- Online appointment bookings
- Take pre-call and in-call payment
- In-built clinical tools to enhance your video consultations and patient experience
- Easy to use: patients simply click a link to enter your virtual practice
- Custom branding
Tailored Clinical Tools
Coviu and your platform can work together in parallel, with minimum technical integration, and maximum utilisation of each product.
Determine patient eligibility, raise insurance claims and process patient card payments entirely online from the Coviu platform.
Share Images, Documents, Videos and Screens
Enhance your video consultations, by sharing results, interactive assessment forms, educational videos and other resources.